
THE FAIRY-TALE DREAMLAND〈The Glass Slipper Princess〉

The Fairy-tale Dreamland

暢銷榜No. 1童書《童話夢工場》英文版

「作者耿啟文全系列最喜歡的一本!The favorite book of the entire series by the author Kenny Kan!」

Edited by a senior English editor.
Compatible with the Chinese version for bilingual reading.
Each chapter includes idioms learning and reading comprehension questions.
Comes with a free audio guide, narrated by a native English speaker throughout the entire story.

Adaptation: Kenny Kan
Illustration: Neko Kreuz

圖文書/繪本/青少年及兒童圖書/精裝/ 13cm(闊 )x 19.5 cm (高)/160頁

作者︰ 貨號: 978-988-70026-2-8 分類: , , , , , , 標籤:


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