At the critical moment of the City’s siege, the young lovers’ confessions were brought to an abrupt halt.
在這繪本中,我們將跟著藍男,重遊每一處她曾與火兒到過的土地,實景大師PEN SO把她目光所及的九龍城寨各式場景,逐一描摹:櫛比鱗次的奇特建築群、富有特色的店舖、故事中虛構的環境……觸景,見情。
In this graphic novel, we’ll follow Lam Nam and revisit every place that she has been with Fire. Real-scene master PEN SO depicts every scene in the Walled City that enters her field of vision: row upon row of eccentric housing complexes, shops with distinctive qualities, fictitious environments in the story…Looking at familiar sights, intense emotions are aroused.
At the other end, Fire’s needs and aspirations echo from afar like entry upon entry in a diary. Yuyi, author of the story, hides his masculinity and pens the story in a feminine tone, telling –
Though heaven is falling and earth is cracking, love for a person is still the strongest force to save the world from its decadence.
最動人時光的回看 PLUS 最天馬行空的想像!!!
Enriched with the most down to earth attitude, we Hongkonger finally have the robot of our own!
With unbridled imagination, Felix captures the local essence from everyday life, infused with the nostalgic memories from his childhood and create a series of “rustic” robot that is so homely and native to Hong Kong.